Automate vulnerability
assessment leveraging

AffectLog automates the process of assessing risks in financial applications. It allows security professionals to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in applications and services, which can then be used to improve security and reduce the risk of a data breach or cyber attack. AffectLog platform is used to assess the security of online banking portals, mobile apps, and other financial systems that are connected to the internet. Overall, AffectLog helps organizations to identify potential risks and take proactive measures to protect their financial data and systems.

Leverage AI to
assess security
of financial applications

AffectLog is a powerful platform that can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks in sensitive financial digital applications. By using AffectLog to test for common vulnerabilities and weaknesses, organizations can take proactive steps to improve the security of their financial applications and protect sensitive financial data from potential attacks.

Key features
Cloud based
In-transit &
In-situ audit
AffectLog automates security scan of applications for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that helped identify potential security weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

Founder (AI for Meaning)

AffectLog agents identify
risks before exploitations.

AffectLog agents scan applications for known vulnerabilities to help identify potential security weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. AffectLog intercepts and modifies traffic between a client and a server to test for vulnerabilities such as weak authentication mechanisms or insecure communications protocols. AffectLog tests how a financial application handles input from users by tampering with parameters, such as modifying the values of hidden form fields or manipulating URLs, AffectLog identifies potential weaknesses.

AffectLog tests for session hijacking vulnerabilities by intercepting and manipulating session cookies, which helps identify weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive financial data. Finally, AffectLog tests for data leakage vulnerabilities by intercepting and analyzing network traffic, AffectLog identifies sensitive financial data that is being transmitted in an insecure manner.

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Trusted by leading industry
experts & researchers

Black & Veatch AECOM BP
South32 Total Enbridge
Aurecon Sellafield Ltd Neptune

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