Preserve contextual
integrity in sensitive
information flows
including minors' data handling

AffectLog's bespoke Education vertical services and vast thematic experience helps preserve contextual integrity in sensitive research information flows by providing several tools and features that can assist in ensuring that data handling practices are secure and compliant with regulations. AffectLog Application Scanner can be used to identify vulnerabilities and potential security risks in web applications used to collect and store sensitive research information. This can help identify and address any issues that may compromise the integrity of the data.

Dig deeper to
understand vulnerabilities &
future threats

AffectLog Intruder tool can be used to perform penetration testing on web applications and identify any vulnerabilities that may be exploited by malicious actors. This can help identify and address any weaknesses in data handling practices that could lead to data breaches.

Key features
Data Loss
Cloud based
Remote Data
AffectLog vertical specific security & privacy tools and features helped us ensure that sensitive research information, including data related to minors, is handled securely and in compliance with regulations, preserving the contextual integrity of the data flows powering data-driven decisionmaking.

Founder (Finnish AI-enabler company)

Human & machine capabilities encoded
within future-proof services

AffectLog intercepts and inspects traffic between applications and clients, which can help identify any malicious or unauthorized access attempts. This can help ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive research information in the future. AffectLog's Repeater tool can be used to perform manual testing of applications and identify any potential issues that may compromise the integrity of sensitive research information.

AffectLog's extender feature allows for the integration of various plugins, one of them being the Compliance plugin, which can be used to check for compliance with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, ensuring that the sensitive research information is being handled according to the latest laws and regulations. AL Active Scan++ allows for the integration of machine learning algorithms for automated vulnerability detection, which can help identify new and emerging security risks, and adapt data handling practices accordingly.

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Trusted by leading
Research labs

South32 Aurecon Total
Black & Veatch AECOM Sellafield Ltd
Enbridge BP Neptune

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